3 Phases To Proper Salesforce Lightning Experience Conversion
You’ve decided to switch from Salesforce Classic to Lightning Experience (LEX). You already analyzed the reasons for the change: improved user interface, new Lightning-only features, and the compelling statistics in Forrester’s “The Total Economic Impact Of Salesforce Lightning.” The next question is: how are you going to perform the conversion?
The Path to Salesforce Lightning Experience Implementation
Salesforce provides both methodology and a technical toolkit for LEX conversion. The process involves three phases: discover, rollout, and optimize. The tools for each stage fall under the umbrella of the primary app called Lightning Experience Transition Assistant.
The Lightning Experience Transition Assistant is already part of Salesforce Classic. To access the toolkit, click on “Setup” followed by the “Get Started” button under the “Lightning Experience Transition Assistant” title. The tool walks you through each of the phases of the migration.
1. Discover Phase
An aspect of the Lightning transition kit is the Lightning Experience Readiness Check. The readiness check shows the benefits and the amount of work it will take to convert to Lightning Experience. The report highlights the following:
- Return on Investment (ROI) – The check analyzes the current usage of Classic and predicts productivity improvements, like percentage increase in conversion rates, when switching to Lightning Experience.
- Rollout Effort Time – This section estimates, in hours, the time the rollout will take for the organization.
- Which Users are Ready? – Depending on how some departments or groups use Classic, those users could switch to Lightning immediately. Other users may need more time.
- Features Review – The readiness check looks at all the apps and customizations integrated into Classic and reports if those features are compatible with Lightning Experience. The following is an example of that report:
What steps can you take based on this information? When looking at the “Features Review” list, ask yourself: “Are users rarely working with specific apps? Do those apps need to migrate to Lightning?” If you’re not sure of the answer, run the Salesforce Optimizer app to discover that information.
Also, address the features that need attention before converting to LEX. Take advantage of tools that assist in this area. For example, the Lightning Configuration Converter can turn JavaScript buttons into Lightning Quick Actions.
To avoid feeling overwhelmed, take the agile approach toward tackling the stale apps and the components that require resolution. Companies also use Salesforce Managed Services to assist with streamlining the workload. When the adjustments are complete, rerun the readiness check to see if you’re prepared to switch to Lightning Experience.
The “Which Users are Ready?” results come in handy for the next phase, the rollout.
2. Rollout Phase
While an organization-wide rollout is possible when the company is small, most large businesses choose to do a phased rollout. This approach allows a small group to test and report their experience so that the deployment team can make improvements before rolling out Lightning Experience to more people. Here is a suggested rollout plan:
- Have a clear goal laid out for the rollout. Since this is a transition, don’t introduce too many new features which can overwhelm users. Select one additional component that will boost productivity and incorporate only that feature.
- Choose a pilot group. From the “Which Users are Ready?” section of the readiness check, pick the most equipped group to be the pilot group. This group should have little to no customizations to fix.
- Choose a “champion” from the pilot group and have them work with LEX for some time. This person will eventually train and assist other users that migrate to Lightning Experience.
- Make adjustments to the program based on the feedback from the champion. Use this time also to make more groups in the organization transition ready.
- Roll out LEX to the rest of the pilot group. Have the champion assist members of the pilot group by holding a class to discuss the changes and by having a Chatter group.
- Make adjustments to the program based on the feedback from the pilot group.
- Pick the next most equipped group to convert to LEX and perform the rollout. Continue receiving feedback, making adjustments, and rolling out to the next most ready group until the entire organization completes the transition to Lightning Experience.
The following video provides a more in-depth explanation:
3. Optimize Phase
Although everyone is now using Lightning Experience, Classic is still available to switch back to and use. Why would someone do that? Perhaps they didn’t grasp concepts from the training and now require personal attention. Perhaps there is a customization that only they use, and it didn’t convert to Lightning Experience.
How can an administrator determine who in the organization still needs assistance after switching to LEX? The Lightning Usage App can help. Among other things, this tool tells the admin which users are switching from Lightning Experience to Classic. The administrator can then assist these users so that they are happy with LEX and don’t switch back to Classic.
After a little more time passes and users are no longer switching back to Classic, it’s time to remove it. You can do this in the Lightning Experience Transition Assistant. Go to “Optimize Phase” and then expand “Turn Off Salesforce Classic for Your Org.” Toggle “Make Lightning Experience your org’s only experience” to On. The Salesforce Lightning Experience conversion is complete!
Rainmaker Can Help Your Business with Your Salesforce Lightning Experience Implementation
Rainmaker’s Salesforce Managed Services is an offering that facilitates your company’s Salesforce Classic to Lightning Experience transition by leveraging our deep technical and vertical expertise. We can ensure that the change to Salesforce Lightning Experience boosts business productivity while avoiding the headaches and stresses of software migrations.
Want to find out more? Contact an expert at Rainmaker today!