Admin Enablement

Empower Your Admin. Innovate Your Salesforce. Transform Your Business.

Equip Your Admins To Deliver More Value, Faster.

From systems integration to data quality to user adoption, there is a lot to being a Salesforce Admin. The ongoing challenge of optimizing and innovating your Salesforce platform to help transform your business can be overwhelming. How can you enable your admin to create more value, a better user experience, and support for revenue growth?

Rainmaker’s Admin Enablement solutions are designed to provide the tools, training, and developer support that a functional admin needs to be able to deliver high-impact Salesforce solutions that drive business value.

Find out what Admin Enablement can do for your organization.

Managed Services

We can support your admin to provide expertise and capacity with deep knowledge, extensive experience, and thought leadership that delivers high-value outcomes, streamline processes and improve data quality to optimize your Salesforce platform, saving time and money while improving insights, productivity, and growth.

  • Connect: Integrate our team into yours to help handle spikes in admin requests, technical maintenance, and other ad-hoc requests for which you need more resources
  • Always On: Access a team of highly certified Salesforce experts to help plan, architect, and execute on small projects and system enhancements
  • Guided Support: A fractional team of certified experts to admin your org and manage backlog
Learn more about managed services


We can empower your admins to customize and innovate your Salesforce platform, creating a powerful sales tool tailored to the needs of your organization, maximizing your investment and helping to transform your business.

  • Developer Support; Provide additional expertise and capacity for your admin to drive more value from the Salesforce platform.
  • Train for Certification; Attend hands-on training to prepare for certification in Admin, Sales, Service, Marketing or other clouds.
  • Custom Training; Develop a rigorous, hands-on training program specific to your org, to make new joiners more effective, faster.
Learn more about Innovation Labs

Admin Bridge

With Salesforce Admins in high demand, it’s no surprise that three out of four stay at their job for less than three years. It takes six to twelve weeks to replace that admin, and five months to have that admin comfortably up to speed in your organization. 

Admin Bridge is our program to help stabilize, optimize and accelerate momentum to make the transition less disruptive for your organization. With a six figure hire on the line, we can help you make the right decisions while maintaining your Salesforce platform operations through the transition. 

Learn More About Admin Bridge