COVID-19 General Survey
Blake Johnston2020-05-28T22:02:09+00:00COVID-19 Digital Sales Benchmarking Survey
COVID-19 Digital Sales Benchmarking Survey
COVID-19 Digital Sales Benchmarking Survey
Rainmaker Associates announces strategic partnership with Sojourn Solutions to Drive Data-Enabled Customer Centricity
Minimizing SLOB can have significant benefits for a Manufacturing enterprise.
The differences between Salesforce’s two user platforms -- Salesforce Lightning vs Classic -- are becoming more pronounced every day. Classic is the practical system of control, offering reliable Customer Relationship Management (CRM) with governance and supervision. Lightning Experience (LEX) is the dynamic system of enablement, transforming CRM with innovation and engagement. If you need to drive user adoption, increase efficiency, and boost your return on investment (ROI), Classic may no longer be your best option. As (SFDC) continues