5 Salesforce Data Migration Tools to Speed Up Your M&A


5 Salesforce Data Migration Tools to Speed Up Your M&A Mergers and acquisitions are an eventual part of business growth. Nevertheless, organizations manage their records and customer data according to methods that suit their particular needs. When it’s time to migrate large volumes of business data in mergers, the technical challenges of transforming different schemas for field matching and integration can task even sophisticated IT departments. For users of the platform, several Salesforce data migration tools, native and third party,

5 Salesforce Data Migration Tools to Speed Up Your M&A2022-07-06T06:17:25+00:00

8 Steps to Create a Unified Customer Journey Post Merger


8 Steps to Create a Unified Customer Journey Post Merger When two companies merge, it's more than just a financial transaction – it also means merging their customer bases. A poorly conceived merger can have a negative impact on the customer experience. What can you do to create a unified customer journey during and after the merger process? It's a matter of planning ahead and always taking the customer into consideration. Quick Takeaways A successful merger depends on unifying the

8 Steps to Create a Unified Customer Journey Post Merger2022-05-13T13:47:15+00:00
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